Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Standalone version Installation of MOSS 2007 – Object Model Execute - Access denied issue

Standalone version Installation of MOSS 2007 – Object Model Execute - Access denied issue
Access is Denied (Exception from HRESULT:0x80070005(E_ACCESSDENIED))
One of my friend has installed the MOSS 2007 on Virtual PC. And configuration is
Windows 2003 Server with SP2
MOSS 2007 – Single Server

He has written a simple program which performs an action of apply a Theme for my Team Site. The applied theme should affect for all sub-sites and pages too.
Below is my Simple code

Whenever he executes the above query he got the Access denied error. He asked me to resolve this issue.
Initially I thought it could be some permissions issue with MOSS users. But later I found that the need a workaround with AD and DNS configuration.
Here I will explain you what are the necessary steps I did to resolve the issue.
First cross check the IPconfig at Command prompt looks no IP has obtained and DNS not configured properly.

Go to ControlPanel ->NetworkConnections -> Local Area Connections à properties
This looks no configuration done for DNS and its taking dynamic Ip address.
Now lets change into static IP-address as mentioned in below screenshot

Now go to ControlPanel-> Administrative Tools -->DNS

Delete the existing Forward Lookup Zones ( delte wss.com and delete from root level)

Now right click My server -> new Zone and follow the steps mentioned below.

Now finally Goto C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc and open the hosts file in notepad
And add your Server under localhost

Restart the DNS
Restart IIS
Restart the OS

After doing all these activity issue has been resolved.
You can reach me @ raj.webjunky@yahoo.com

Saturday, 20 March 2010

3 Easy Steps to Create Custome Theme- MOSS 2007

How to Create and Reuse of Custom Themes in Sharepoint?
SharePoint site theme basically consists of theme.inf, theme.css, and image files.
Theme.inf file simply represents the title of the theme. Theme.css is a stylesheet file that defines colors, header images and layouts of a site and image files can be referenced here to display on the page
This can be achieved in 3 steps
Step-1.Copy any theme folder in " C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\THEMES " and paste in same location and repalce with your own name. for example "Raj.webJunkyTheme" and do your changes.

Step-2. Othe SPTHEMS.XML from below location and add your Theme Template
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\

Step-3. For preview of your Theme you need to take a screen short of your theme and save it as Gif file at below location
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions

For any clarifications You can reach me @ Raj.webjunky@yahoo.com

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Biztalk HostInstance ThreshHold -Error nID int datatype

Can any one guess what would be maximum number of the messages can pass through the BizTalk Receive / Send Host?

I asked same question to many of my friends and every one given different answer like
Can pass “N” number of message
No Limit
Could be 10 lacks of instances

Which one is correct from your point of view? I know you are going to give me a new number. Any way let me try to answer this question also will explain you why should we consider this number?
Is this really a big impact for your application?

Well, I am working for Retail application and we normally receive a 200 – 1000 messages per sec. Also we need to send each message to 10 different locations. Hence the count on average is 500*10 = 5000 message instances will send through “SendHost”.

It has been working quite well and I never faced any issue with the BizTalk SendHot. On one Friday suddenly the SendHost got Stopped and I tried a lot to start the Host but no luck. It was throwing the below error.

Job Name :
Error Description :
Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int.
[SQLSTATE 22003] (Error 8115) The statement has been terminated. [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 3621). The step failed.

This issue is due to threshold of Sendhost has crossed the Int value.
If I quickly check at the threshold of the SendHost I could find that it already reached Int value.

If you look at the Store procedures which has supported for the above job, It cleared said the data type used for nID as INT in stored procedure. But actually in table it declared as BigInt.

StoredProc Name: int_PurgeMessageZeroSumTable

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[int_PurgeMessageZeroSumTable]
declare @count int, @tmp int, @fUseTempTable bit,
@fContinue int,
@tnActiveTable tinyint,
@retVal int
create table #PurgeJobMsgIDs (nID int NOT NULL, uidMessageID uniqueidentifier NOT NULL)
create clustered index [CIX_PurgeJobMsgIDs] on [#PurgeJobMsgIDs] ([uidMessageID])
set @fContinue = 99
while (@fContinue >= 99)

This I have changed to BigINT as suggested by Microsoft.