While doing a Development with Oracle Extracted Schemas my Visual Studio 2010 fired an below error when I tried to deploy my solution.
Schema referenced by Map "mapOrders" has been deleted. The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date. You must refresh the BizTalk Server group configuration before making further changes.
I tried
1.refreshing the BizTalk Group - No Luck
2.Close Visual Studio and BizTalk Admin Console - No use
3.Restarted SQL Service - No Use
I still facing same error.
Finally I removed an Entry at BizTalk management Datbase and it worked.
First Check your BizTalk Object name in bt_mapSpec Table
Select * from bt_mapspec
Delete an entry from bt_mapSpec table.
Delete from bt_mapspec Where itemid=
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You can reach me @ raj.webjunky@yahoo.com