Friday, 21 January 2011

Schema referenced by Map has been deleted. BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date

While doing a Development with Oracle Extracted Schemas my Visual Studio 2010 fired an below error when I tried to deploy my solution.
Schema referenced by Map "mapOrders" has been deleted. The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date. You must refresh the BizTalk Server group configuration before making further changes.
I tried
1.refreshing the BizTalk Group - No Luck
2.Close Visual Studio and BizTalk Admin Console - No use
3.Restarted SQL Service - No Use
I still facing same error.
Finally I removed an Entry at BizTalk management Datbase and it worked.
First Check your BizTalk Object name in bt_mapSpec Table
Select * from bt_mapspec
Delete an entry from bt_mapSpec table.
Delete from bt_mapspec Where itemid=

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Friday, 14 January 2011

ESB Remove ,Add Namespace Pipeline Components usage-Restful Service

ESB Remove ,Add Namespace Pipeline Components usage -Restful Service
This is an simple example for "How use Remove and Namespace of ESB Pipeline Components"
I received a message from Restful service which is a string format.
I tried to assign this message into predefined XSD structure on my ESB Offramp Receive.
However I endupt with different errors.
After a good amount of study in ESB pipeline ComponentsI found the best way to achive this is utilize existing Remove namespace and add namespace components.
My Restful response message

My Predefined output message Structure

Create Custom pipeline and add Components as mentioned below
Name : ReceivePipeline
Decode : ESB RemoveNamespace
: ESB Add Namespace
Decode :ESB Itinerary Cache
Disassemble : XML Disassembler
ResolveParty : ESB Dispatcher
ESB Add Namespace Component Configuration properties
ExtractionNodeXpath = /string
NameSpaceBase =http://TestOrder.Schemas.RestResponse
NamespacePrefix =ns9 ( do not enter from ns0 to ns6)

Refere further details of add Namespace

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